Our Story

Since 1997, Harry has been roasting ethically sourced beans for the purest, cleanest cup of coffee you’ll ever brew. Unlike large coffee factories, our coffee is naturally cooled by air- not drenched by gallons of water. These techniques allow us to provide consistent and fresher dark roasts that really melt in your mouth.

Harry roasts everything in small batches from our home base in South Jersey. To achieve optimal flavor, our beans have a nice balance acidity, leaving a smooth aftertaste- like butter.

Harry roasts fresh, organic coffee beans from a variety of farms across Latin America. These beans have character. Whether you brew it cold, or hot in a french press or pour over, these beans are worth the (roasting time) wait.

We want to give coffee-drinkers flavorful, bold, caffeinated beverages with a kick. Most of all, we want to expand people’s palates and prove that a dark roast doesn’t mean burnt coffee.